Lead Pastors
Andy & Michelle Buske

We desire to steward a people in the unity and fellowship of Jesus through the Holy Spirit and to offer up true worship to the Lord. To be a family of God. A safe haven for the broken and a place where Jesus is magnified above all else and where His Presence resides among His people.

Youth Pastors
Jessie & Amber Whitworth

Jessie and Amber have a passion and a calling for teens, gifting from the Holy Spirit and a heart for the youth in the area to know Jesus in a real way. They have a son named Levi and they believe strongly in the value and importance of family that is founded on Jesus and they live in a way that is unashamed of the Gospel.


Kris McCawley
  • Deacon
Brian Mendenhall
  • Deacon
Mike Fletcher
  • Deacon